
Component Type: Sensor (Subcategory: Computer Vision)

OS: Windows, Linux, Mac OSX

This component provides a cross-platform face tracking computer vision algorithm which puts out estimated movement of a users’ nose and chin in x and y coordinates. The underlying mechanism builds upon the JavaCV (OpenCV) library (in particular a trained cascade of haar-like features in combination with a Lukas Kanade optical flow algorithm is used to track a face and its movement). The x- and y- coordinates can be used in camera-mouse configurations or to enable selection or control tasks. The values are only provided if a face can be tracked by the algorithm. Note that the x- and y- values represent relative movement in pixels and have to be accumulated (e.g. via the integrate component) to generate e.g. absolute mouse positions.


A camera has to be available (this can be any webcam or a camera which is available as image acquisition device via the operating system). The picture below shows the Logitech Webcam 9000 Pro. Also the camera device of a Kinect sensor or PS3Eye should work. Furthermore, a video stream of an IP camera can be used for tracking.
Logitech Webcam 9000 Pro
Logitech Webcam 9000 Pro

Output Port Description

Event Listener Description


Example Configuraitons


Let the plugin probe available framegrabbers and choose the first available one. The following grabber are tried in the following order:
  1. OpenCV
  2. VideoInput
  3. FFmpeg





MJPEG stream of SmartPhone camera

Install the following Android app on your smartphone and start streaming the front camera: Camera Stream - WiFi IP Webcam (Web Host LLC)

Enter the http url displayed at your smartphone and add /video to the url


Set the cameraSelection property of the XFacetrackerLK plugin to this url.
