Component Type: Processor (Subcategory: DSP and Feature Detection)
This plugin provides adjustable Infinite Impulse Response Filters, based on the Java DSP Library: http://www.source-code.biz/dsp/java

IIRFilter plugin
Input Port Description
- in [double]: The signal to be filtered
Input Port Description
- out [double]: The filtered signal
- magnitude [double]: the magnitude of the filtered signal in the selected passband (only calculated if the passType = bandpass !)
- passType [integer] (combobox selection): can be lowpass, highpass, bandpass or bandstop
- characteristicType [integer] (combobox selection): can be butterworth, bessel or chebyshev
- order [integer]: the filter order (values from 1 to 12 recommended)
- samplingFrequency [integer]: the sampling rate of the input signal
- fc1 [double]: corner frequency (lower corner frequency for bandpass filter)
- fc2 [double]: higher corner frequency (ignored in case of highpass or lowpass types)
- ripple [double]: the passband ripple supression, must be a negative value (only for chebyshev types, ignored for other types)